Ryanair Mission Statement & Vision Statement Analysis

Ryanair Mission Statement

Ryanair has a distinctive mission that allows the company to get a clear direction; what the company wants to achieve and how that is going to happen. A well-written statement enables the employees of Ryanair to have a strategic direction and futuristic view of the company.

The mission statement of Ryanair is. “To offer low fares that generate increased passenger traffic while maintaining a continuous focus on cost containment and efficiency operation.”

This mission statement has the following key points that provide the company’s strategic viewpoint. Here is a complete breakdown of Ryanair’s mission statement:

  1. Reduced air ticket fare
  2. Enhance passenger traffic
  3. Cost efficiency
  4. Operational Proficiency

Reduced air ticket fares: Ryanair has always maintained a cost-reduction culture from its inception. It offers the lowest fare in the European aviation industry compared to its main competitors. Ryanair charges around 38 Euros per passenger whereas it’s major rivals -Easy jet and WizzAir charge 63 Euros and 73 Euros respectively. The strategic pricing practice is one of the core missions of Ryanair Company.

Enhance passenger traffic: Ryanair tends to get more passenger traffic by lowing the ticket fare. To gain the mission, it has developed services and strategies that attract more passengers. Customer service differentiation and affordable service are two key steps that follow the mission of enhancing passenger traffic.

Cost efficiency: Ryanair aims to develop a cost-efficient business model that allows the corporation constantly redefines the European airline pricing strategy and ensure that its customers receive the greatest pricing and value. To attain this ultimate goal, Ryanair adopts reduced fuel costs, maximum aircraft utilization, and no-frill service.

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Operational Proficiency: Ryanair believes in continuous improvement and operational efficiency. It has created great operational proficiency by optimizing space availability. It also has short-haul and point-to-point services that help to deliver direct service that reduces operational costs. Ryanair consistently concentrates on maximizing operational efficacy by minimizing cost.


If you live in Europe or want to travel to Europe, you must have heard about Ryanair. Ryanair is a pioneer company that revolutionized the low-cost airline service and positioned itself as the best on-time performer within 37 years.  Ryanair was founded in 1984 by Irish businessman Tony Ryan and started its operation with a 15-seated aircraft. Now, it has 505 aircraft and 225 destinations in total. Ryanair has a distinct mission and vision which enable the company to make the brand name just as it initially wanted.

What is the Ryanair Vision statement?

Ryanair’s vision statement is, “To firmly establish itself as Europe’s leading low-fare scheduled passenger airline through continued improvements and expanded offerings of its low-fare service.”

This vision statement clarifies why the company exists and what they want to achieve. Ryanair is highly pursued to its vision statement. The following elements outline the company vision:

  1. Become a leading low-fare company
  2. Pursue cost leadership strategy
  3. Expand service and offerings
  4. Making the difference
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Become a leading low-fare company: Ryanair aims to be the leading airline company in the European aviation industry in terms of low-fare air tickets. It has developed strategies to provide low ticket prices compare to the other airline companies in Europe.s

Pursue cost leadership strategy: Cost leadership defines such company that provides a particular product or service at the lowest price among its competitors. It adopts cost-efficient strategies and techniques so that it can gain a cost leadership position in the industry.

Expand service and offerings: The company aims to differentiate itself as the cheapest airline service provider. To be consistent with the vision, it has always expanded its service and offerings which enables it to get more passenger traffic.

Making the difference: Ryanair deems to make a difference in creating a sustainable operating system. Ryanair is regarded as Europe’s greenest airline. They are committed to building an environmentally sustainable business model. For instance, they have already decarbonized their operations, have adopted innovative aircraft engine technology, and participate in carbon offsetting. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to becoming green and sustainable.

The values of Ryanair

Ryanair upholds the values that reflect its corporate culture and ethics. The core values of  Ryanair are as follows:

  1. Ethical and transparent
  2. Safety and quality
  3. Saving planet
  4. People and social management


What is the purpose of Ryanair Company?

It offers the most affordable airway service. The purpose of the company is to become the low-fare airline company in Europe.

What are the strategies of Ryanair to reach its mission and vision?

Did Ryanair change its mission statement over time?

No, Ryanair didn’t change its mission statement frequently.

What is the motto of Ryanair?

The motto of Ryanair is ‘More choice. Lower fare. Great care.’

What is the new slogan of Ryanair?

The new slogan of Ryanair is, “Europe’s lowest fares, lowest emission airline.”

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