Frontier Airlines Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

Frontier Airlines Mission statement

Frontier Airline’s mission statement is, “To make the experience easy, affordable and enjoyable.”

The mission statement precisely depicts what belief the company stands for and how it is going to attain that mission.

This mission statement has all the necessary elements that make a mission statement good and viable; like the goal, purpose, and what position the company wants to create for its brand in the market. By analyzing the statement, two key takeaways are identified:

  1. Emphasis on user experience
  2. Make the service Affordable and enjoyable

Emphasis on user experience: Frontier puts the highest priority is to its service quality and user experience. It is committed to making the air journey the best journey experience for the customer. To ensure this mission, Frontier takes every necessary attempt to give a top-notch user experience. For instance, you can find 24/7 customer service; you don’t have to worry about flight safety. Above all, you can get all the essentials at a lower cost compared to the other airline service.

Make the service Affordable and enjoyable: Frontier sets the mission to make the brand name an ultra-low-cost airline service. So it has introduced the cheapest fare in the market, available its service to everyone, and makes the service enjoyable. They have bundle and unbundle offers that provide options to have customized service, setting arrangements, carry-on cost, etc.

Frontier Airlines Mission statement


Frontier Airlines is known as an ultra-low-cost carrier in America. In 1994 a pilot, Frederick W., and his wife founded Frontier Airline. Frontier Airlines has emerged as a low-cost value-added service that aims to serve all airline service users. This company adds value through its affordable price, safety, and different offerings. Currently, it has 100 destinations around the world, and its fleet size is 113. A recent update (February 2022) of Frontier Airlines is – to acquire another low-cost airline company ‘Spirit Airlines. If it happens, Frontier will be the fifth largest airline company in the United States.

See also  Ryanair Mission Statement & Vision Statement Analysis

Frontier Airline Vision statement

The vision statement of Frontier Airlines is, “The sky is for everyone.”

They have also mentioned that the vision of the company is being upheld by offering low fares and ‘Done Right’ promises.

The target market is everyone: The vision is to provide airline service at a low cost and grapes as many customers as they can. Frontier wants to be a service for all. It follows a mass target strategy. Frontier has mentioned that they want to ensure affordable service for all.

The sky for everyone: The vision statement has broad spectrums. Frontier is committed to creating the airline service available and affordable for all. To be consistent with the vision statement, Frontier ensures the cheapest fare and special deals for children, baggage and luggage offerings etc. They believe in going the extra mile for the customers.

Done Right: Frontier Airlines entitles to create a sustainable business model that outlines the company vision. Low-cost fare is the primary vision where doing the right things for everyone is the essential element of its vision. Frontier ensures environment-friendly operations. From 1994 to 2001, they follow the green script. They adopt more flue-efficient technology, lean and green seats, and fly lighter than ever.

Values of Frontier Airline

The company never declares its core value. Its website doesn’t mention any core values. However, it is implied that Frontier believes in creating an easy, affordable, and enjoyable experience.


What is the motto of Frontier Airlines?

The motto of Frontier is to be the greenest and cheapest airline service in the aviation industry.

How does Frontier Airlines achieve its mission statement?

Frontier Airlines keeps its fare low, ensures discount offers, and expands destinations to make it for everyone.

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